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Top 10 Tips For Shopping Etiquette And Bargaining In China
1. Start low, but be RespectfulTip Offer 50-70 percent less than the stated price and negotiate it up. Make sure you are assertive, yet respectful.
Pro: Makes it easier to establish your position without causing offence to seller.
Pro: Starting at a low point on your price list may cause buyers to be frustrated, especially when you're selling products with a lower margin.
2. Understand the market price
Find out the cost average for the product you wish to purchase.
Pro: You won't be deceived and you'll feel confident in your negotiations.
Cons: The process of researching is often lengthy, especially when it comes to unique or hand-crafted products.
3. Show Genuine Enthusiasm
Tips: Sellers are more willing to negotiate if they think you're really interested in buying.
Pro: Increases the likelihood of a successful deal by developing a relationship.
A frenzied attitude could indicate a willingness to shell out more, which could compromise your standing.
4. Walking Absently
Tip: If the price isn't falling, walk away slowly. Sellers usually call back to make you an offer that is better.
Pro: This tactic is often effective in obtaining the cheapest prices.
Cons: This can be counterproductive when the seller does not wish to lower prices, particularly for items in high demand.
5. Learn Basic Mandarin Phrases
Tip: Phrases like "Tai gui le!" (Too expensive!) "Pianyi Yadian Ba" (Can it be cheaper?) The effort is needed.
Pro: It makes the negotiation more personal, and can sometimes soften the seller's stance.
Cons: Limited language may not help in more difficult negotiations.
6. Be patient and calm
Tips: It may take some time to bargain. To avoid looking desperate, keep an even and calm manner.
Pro: Sellers respect the calm and persevering buyers, often rewarding them with better bargains.
Con Cons: Time and effort are needed, particularly in a crowded market.
7. Bring Cash
Tip: Sellers could be more willing to lower prices for cash payments instead of digital methods.
Pros: Cash offers that are immediate can result in discounts, particularly with small sellers.
Con: Carrying cash could be risky in busy markets due to pickpockets.
8. Discounts for Groups
Tips: If you are buying several items, ask for an offer for bulk purchases.
Pro: You can increase your bargaining power and secure the best deal.
Con: Requires buying more items, which may not be a good fit for your requirements.
9. Don't be afraid to affirm no
Tips. Refrain from negotiations and walk away if the vendor is unable to lower the price.
Pros: Prevents buyers from regrets and makes it easier to stay within your budget.
Cons: You might miss out on an item that you've always would have.
10. Be aware of when to not bargain.
Department stores and boutiques that are high-end is not a good place to bargain.
Pro: Maintains cultural respect and avoids embarrassment.
Cons: You may not be able to bargain with certain individuals.
The benefits of bartering with Chinese People
Negotiating reduces the cost of items.
Bargaining is a fantastic opportunity to get acquainted with the customs and traditions of your local area.
Personal Interaction: Builds connections with local sellers.
Cons of Bargaining In China
Haggling is time-consuming, especially for shoppers who aren't experienced.
Without basic Mandarin, communication may be difficult.
It is stressful, and Not everyone is a fan of bargaining.
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Top 10 Tips On Fees And Photography Rules When Visiting Temples In China
1. Be ready to pay entry FeesTip: A lot of famous Temples have a cost for entry, which can be anywhere between Y=20 and Y=200. It's possible to estimate your budget if you research the cost of tickets.
Pro: It helps you stay clear of surprises by assisting to determine the exact amount of cash required for digital payments or cash.
Con: Unexpected additional costs, such as exhibition fees, may arise.
2. Bring cash or digital payment
Certain temples only accept cash, or the most popular Chinese payment systems like WeChat Pay or Alipay.
Pro: Smooth entry with no delays in payment.
Cons: There aren't many options for foreigners who aren't familiar with digital payment apps.
3. Photographic Signs are a good Place to Look.
If you're unsure if photography is permitted, look for indications. There are many temples that prohibit photography inside temples and in the vicinity of sacred artifacts.
Pro: Avoids accidental violation of rules or breaking.
Cons: Rules can differ between different areas within the same temple. You will need to pay extra attention.
4. Avoid Flash Photography
Even in areas where it is permitted to take photographs, be cautious about using flash because it can cause damage to artifacts, or cause disturbance to worshipers.
Pro: Helps preserve temple's art and the surrounding.
Insufficient lighting can cause poor photos.
5. Respect the Privacy of Worshippers
If you don't have permission be careful not to take photos of religious ceremonies.
Pro: Demonstrates an understanding of culture and respect for personal space.
Con: It could restrict your ability to capture the atmosphere of the temple completely.
6. Be sure to follow the Drone Regulations
Tip - Drones are usually prohibited within temples. Be sure to check local regulations if you intend to use a drone for aerial shots.
Pro: You can save yourself from fines and the confiscation of drones.
Cons: The limited range of angles for photography can make it difficult to create distinctive images.
7. Get Ready for Additional Fees
You could be charged an additional fee by certain temples to allow you for taking photos, especially in the case of professional equipment like DSLRs or tripods.
Pro: You can take legal high-quality photographs.
Con: Adds to overall trip expenses.
8. Dress in a modest manner
Tips: Respectful attire is essential when visiting temples. Inappropriate clothing could cause being denied entry or a refusal.
Pro: Shows respect for the sacred setting and helps to blend into the crowd.
Con: It may be necessary to add preparation in the summer heat.
9. Avoid crowds when taking photos
Visit the park early in the morning or in afternoon to avoid crowds. This will make it easier for you to take photos without being blocked.
Improves quality of images and experience.
Cons: It requires you to alter your routine, which can be difficult to do.
10. If you are in doubt, ask for Permission
Tips: If you are unsure about photography rules, ask temple staff or signs for clarification.
Pro: This will help you avoid making mistakes.
Con: Language barriers might make communication difficult.
Pros and cons of observing fees and photography rules
Respect for Cultural Values: Be respectful of the local customs, religions and other aspects of culture.
Artifact Preservation: Guards fragile art and structures from damage.
Positive Experiences : Avoid confrontations between temple staff members or worshippers.
Legal Compliance: Guards you against penalties or fines if you violate photography rules.
Cons of Paying Fees to Photographers Photography
Costs may rise: The cost of photography or entry permits, along with additional fees for entry into the park could add up.
Limited Creativity: Restrictions may make it difficult to capture the perfect shot.
Language Barriers: Inability to understand local signage or converse with staff.
Research can be time-consuming. Preparing ahead of time requires extra effort.
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